Cosmetic dentistry is a branch of dentistry medicine that focuses on correctional procedures which do not necessarily occur out of need for better health. Just as cosmetic surgery helps individuals achieve the body changes which they dream about, or require due to accidents/ genetic deformations, cosmetic dentistry helps people make changes to their dentition for various reasons, most of which are personal.
A cosmetic dentistry procedure may not be carried out by the normal outpatient clinic dentist, rather there are specialists who focus on the different types of dental medicine practice for cosmetic adjustments. In order to be eligible for a cosmetic dentistry procedure, you have to be medically advised for the procedure (victims of accidents or individuals with biological dental deformities), or be a consenting adult / young person with guardian’s consent as well.
Consent is important, due to the fact that some procedures require the administering of anesthesia (usually nitrous oxide, commonly known as laughing gas) to temporarily create a loss of sensation during the procedure, and for a while afterward. Now that we’ve established what cosmetic dentistry is, let us explore its different types.

Dental implants

These are some of the most common type of cosmetic dentistry. It is a procedure done to replace missing teeth by placing an implant over a screw in your jawbone for durability. When done efficiently and effectively, dental implants look no different than normal teeth.

Composite bonding

This is the most cost-effective, yet efficient, procedures in cosmetic dentistry. Simply put, a composite material is bonded over the site of decay or damage in cases of chipped teeth.


Veneers are teeth replacement which is made from a high medical-grade super durable ceramic and the end result of the design process looks completely natural to fit a person’s dentition. Veneers are used in cosmetic dentistry for cases of crooked teeth and gaps between teeth.

Inlays and Onlays

These are done in place of regular filling procedures. The inlays and onlays are molded and shaped to match your teeth. Inlays are done to fill teeth where the cusp is in place, while onlays are done when the cusp is damaged.


Unknown to most people, teeth whitening is a cosmetic dentistry procedure, not just a regular part of your visit to the dentist. The procedure is simple with just a few steps; the dentist cleans your teeth thoroughly before applying a bleaching solution to brighten it.
With this information, you can already point out the procedure which you may need to achieve dental perfection. Consult your dentist for confirmation and recommendation to a cosmetic dentist. Get a brighter smile!